The Recap tab of the deal allows you to see your costs, gross profit, front-end profit, and back-end profit at a glance. The information on this screen is taken from various other screens within DeskManager.
To access the Recap tab, double click a deal from the Deal/Trade tab to open it’s details, then click the Recap tab to the right.
The page is broken down into three sections, Costs, Profit, and Additional Information.
1. Costs Section

The Costs listed in the first column are pulled from one of two places, either in the Cost tab of the vehicle attached to the deal, or in the CAP Sheet which is found by clicking on the CAP button of the deal.
Users may record costs for Warranty, GAP, Credit Life, and Credit Disability insurance on the CAP sheet and they will be added here later after the deal has been saved using one of the Sold Options.
If a deal is still pending, any of these costs recorded on the CAP sheet will not be recorded on the recap list unless they were manually added to the vehicle’s Costs tab using the built-in expense categories for these items.
- Purchase – Displays a total of all vehicle expenses recorded using the Purchase category.
- Accessories – Displays a total of all vehicle expenses recorded using the Accessories category.
- Warranty – Displays a total of all vehicle expenses recorded using the Warranty category.
- GAP – Displays a total of all vehicle expenses recorded using the GAP category.
- Credit Life – Displays a total of all vehicle expenses recorded using the Cr.Life category.
- Disability – Displays a total of all vehicle expenses recorded using the Cr.Disab. category.
- Flooring Cost – Displays a total of the interest expense as calculated using the Vehicle Flooring Calculator found on the top of the vehicle’s Costs tab.
- Service Cost – If the dealer is also using the Service tab and they attach a service invoice to the deal (this is done by clicking the little button to the right of the Service Total field on the main Deal tab of a Deal/Trade window) their costs as recorded in that invoice for the parts and labor involved will be recorded here.
- Other Costs – Displays a total of all vehicle expenses recorded using any expense category not mentioned above (Service, Detail, Recon, Smog and Flooring for example).
- Total Costs – This will be a total of all the above fields. Depending on choices made in the user security area of DeskManager’s setup tool, this may or may not include any Pack that was applied to the vehicle.
- Exposure – A vehicle’s exposure is calculated by taking the total collected for the vehicle so far as recorded on the Payments tab and subtracting from that the total costs of the vehicle. While this number remains negative, you have not collected enough to cover your costs yet. When the number becomes positive, you are now collecting profit from the sale.
2. Profit Section

Here the program will list a run-down of profits as a result of the sale of the vehicle.
For calculation of the Front-End, Back-End and Gross profits, there is a profit section in DeskManager setup that will allow users to select the things they want included in these profit calculations and things they do not want included.
With these three profit items, each has a square gray button to the right of the amount field.
By clicking on the button, the program will show the user what figure was used to start, then what was added and what was subtracted in order to reach the figure in the profit field.
The totals may vary slightly depending on settings in the User Security area of the DeskManager setup tool and may or may not include the vehicle’s Pack amount.
- Cash Price – This is the profit calculated by taking the Cash Price of the deal and subtracting the Purchase of the vehicle.
- Accessories – This is the profit calculated by taking the total sale price of any accessories listed in the deal, and subtracting the Accessories costs as listed in the first column.
- Warranty – This is the profit calculated by taking the value from the Service Contract field in the deal and subtracting the Warranty costs as listed in the first column.
- Gross Settlement – This figure is taken from the Financing Tab’s Settlement field.
- Trade – ACV – This figure is calculated by taking a total of the trade credit recorded for the First and Second Trade of the Trades tab and then subtracting the total of the ACV values as recorded for the First and Second Trade. If the ACV was not recorded on the Trades tab for the first or second vehicle, it can be added through the CAP sheet button.
- GAP – This figure is calculated by taking the amount being charged to the customer for GAP insurance and subtracting the figure from the GAP cost field in the first column.
- Credit Life – This profit figure is calculated using the total of the Credit Life premium recorded in the Statement of Insurance of the deal and subtracting the cost of Credit Life as recorded in the first column.
- Credit Disability – This figure is calculated using the total of the Credit Disability premium recorded in the Statement of Insurance of the deal and subtracting the cost of Credit Disability as recorded in the first column.
- Service Profit – If a service invoice was added to the deal using the button to the right of the Service Total field of a DeskManager deal, this field will list the profit of that service invoice as calculated using the total of service parts and labor charges and subtracting the costs for the same parts and labor.
- Front-End, Back-End and Gross – As noted above, these profits are calculated according to the options selected in the DeskManager setup tool’s profit section. Each profit has a button to the right and clicking this button will display the figures used to calculate the profit in question.
- Commission – This is a total of any commission listed in the Commission tool found in the Additional Information area of this Recap tab.
- Net – This is calculated by taking the Gross profit figure and subtracting the amount recorded in the commission field.
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