In WebManager, each user has a specific password to log in. If a user’s password needs to be changed, there are three ways of doing this. This article will cover each way as well as the password requirements.
From Within WebManager
User passwords can be changed by clicking on your user account icon then clicking Change Password.
Start by entering your Current Password, then enter the New Password you want to use. Be sure to retype your new password exactly in the Confirm Password field.
After changing your password, you will be logged out of the WebManager Control Panel, and you will need to enter your new password to log back in.
From the WebManager Login Page
If the user cannot log in to change the password, on the login page, click Forgot Login Information
Enter the client ID and the WebManager username in the new window, then click Submit Request. This will send an email to your specified email address with information to reset the password.
From DeskManager Online
If your WebManager account is linked to your DeskManager Online account, please see our article regarding DeskManager Online User Accounts (link).
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