Display Properties can be found under File -> Setup, then beneath Deal, click Display Properties.
Display Properties
- User – Select the user that you would like to change these options for.
- Show Add-On Rate in Deal/Quick Deal – checking this box shows the add-on rate.
- Show Finance Charge in Deal/Quick Deal – Checking this box shows the finance charge amount.
- Allow Sold Finance Deals to Carry Incomplete Buyer(s) Information – Checking this box allows you to enter only the name of the buyer(s).
- Require Previous Buyer and Co-Buyer Address and Employment If Less than 2 years – Checking this box requires that you enter previous addresses.
- Enforce Driving License Expiration Date Verification – This will require the Drivers License expiration date to be entered before the deal can be saved.
- Show Total Sale & Payments in Deal/Quick Deal – This will show Total Sale & Payments in Deal/Quick Deal.
- Allow Empty Delivery Date – This will allow the delivery date to remain blank.
- The following options determines what fields are required for a Deal to be Saved as Sold:
- Insurance information
- Warranty information if Warranty Price exists
- Finance Company if APR is greater than 0%
- Sales Rep, Closer, and F & I Commission Rep
- Trade Mileage, Credit, and ACV if Trade VIN exists
- “Balance Paid To” if Pay-Off value exists
- GAP Company and Cost if selling a GAP
- The last option applies to All Users in DeskManager:
- Check the box if you would like Payments Collected to use the lot of the Deal instead of lot of the User collecting.
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