Auction Status contains information about the progress of your auction on eBay Motors.
The Auction Status screen can be accessed by hovering over Auctions, then click Auction Status.
- Auction Status information is updated periodically, and may not reflect the most up-to-date bidding information as shown on the eBay Motors site.
- eBay auction data is normally updated every 30 minutes.
- For auctions that are close to ending (less than 4 hours remaining until the end time), auction data will be retrieved every 15 minutes.
- For auctions with less than 30 minutes remaining, auction data will be retrieved every 5 minutes.
- Refresh the auction status page to view the latest data.
- The top of the screen will display the Auction Status, the eBay Item #, the Listing Type, the Estimated Fees for the listing, the Start and End time, the time the auction status data was last updated, the time remaining on the auction, the number of Views and users Watching, the Current Bid amount, the High Bidder’s eBay username, and links to the Bidding History for the auction and the High Bidder’s Feedback information.
- You can click on the eBay Item # to view the auction listing on the eBay Motors site.
- You can click on the Bidding History link to view previous bids on your auction.
- You can click on the Feedback link to view feedback other users have left for the High Bidder.
- If your auction allows Best Offers, you can review and respond to offers received by Accepting or Declining them, or making a Counter-Offer of your own.
- If the auction is still Scheduled or Live you can end the auction prematurely.
- Select a reason for ending the auction early, and click on End Auction Now.
- You may be prevented from ending the auction if any bids have been received and the auction is too close to ending.
- If the auction ended with a winning bidder, you should leave feedback for the buyer, describing whether your experience was Positive, Neutral, or Negative, to help other sellers know what kind of experience to expect.
- Any time before a bid has been received, you may adjust any of the pricing values.
- Once a bid has been placed, you may only lower the Reserve Price and the Buy It Now price.
- Once the Reserve Price has been met it cannot be changed.
- If a buyer exercises the Buy It Now option, the auction is over and cannot be changed.
- To make changes to the pricing values, enter the new prices you want to use, and click on Adjust Pricing.
- Prices that you do not enter new values for will remain the same.
- You can add additional information to your auction listing using our HTML editor.
- This information will be added to the bottom of the existing description information in your auction listing.
- Enter the information you want to add and click on Add to Description to update your auction listing.
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