Whenever a report is requested, if you choose to view the report you will be presented with the following window:
Here you can scroll through and review the report, as well as save or print the report using the buttons found on the top right of the report. If the report was found to possibly have negative items on it, the “Branded/Salvaged Title” label will appear in red on the top. (CALIFORNIA DEALERS: AutoManager will not explicitly tell you whether or not a VIN will require a red sticker be affixed to the window of your vehicle. If a report comes back as having possible negative items on it, please review the report and make a decision on whether or not this VIN requires a red sticker or not.)
From this window, you can quickly change the language or report type of the displayed report by selecting the options at the top right of the view window and then clicking “Refresh”. Keep in mind that Spanish reports are only available for a “Consumer” report type.
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