This article will show you what you need to do to your Okidata printer before printing. You will also need to set the internal settings for your printer as well as make sure you are using the correct driver.
Before putting your paper into the printer you will first want to make sure that your sliders are in the proper position.
The left slider should be pushed all the way to the right
The right slider should be over just far enough so your paper fits in-between the two sliders.
Next you will need to make sure the paper lever is in the TOP position.
Once your sliders are in the proper position and your paper lever is in the TOP position you should be able to just drop the sheet of paper in place. Once the printer senses the paper it should roll the paper into place. This should also turn the ALARM light off.
As stated above your printer should roll the paper into place when you drop in a sheet of paper. The printer should roll the paper into the same position every time you insert a new sheet of paper. Use the M Line on the print head to tell where the paper is feeding. It’s recommended for the paper to be about a quarter inch above the M Line.
Some printers may roll the paper in too far whereas others won't roll the paper in far enough. Luckily this problem can be easily remedied. The first step is to drop a sheet of paper into your printer.
If you don't want the paper to roll in so far hold SHIFT and Micro Feed Down. This will move the paper down in very small increments.
If you want the paper to roll in further hold SHIFT and Micro Feed Up. This will move the paper up in very small increments.
To test whether these changes were accepted by the printer press the FF/LOAD button to eject the paper and then feed it in again. The printer should roll your paper to the same spot it was in before you ejected the paper
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