If you submit a custom form to AutoManager or request a custom edit to an existing form, you’ll find the completed form under your Company Forms list. To access this list and receive your completed form, follow the directions below.
Retrieving a Completed Custom Form
To receive your completed custom form, first navigate to any deal.
Click Print along the top banner, then select Forms.
Open the Company Forms category below. Your custom forms are located here. If you do not see your new custom forms, press CTRL + F5 to reload your print menu, then look again.
Print the company form and check for errors. If you’re happy with your form, be sure to add this form to any form packs you may use. To add a form to a form pack, refer to our article here:
If you’d like to request additional changes to this form, reach out to the forms team at forms@automanager.com.
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