Let’s say your dealership spends $150 on detailing each time a new vehicle is stocked. Rather than having to manually add this expense each and every time the vehicle is added to inventory, you can instead create a default expense.
Default expenses are automatically applied to a vehicle as soon as it’s added to the inventory. You can also indicate if the expense should be applied to trade-ins.
Creating Default Expenses
First, click the Settings cogwheel located at the bottom of the leftmost sidebar. Under the Inventory category, select Default Expenses.
Click Add Expense in the top-left.
Add the cost of the expense in the Amount section.
Select the type of expense under the Category dropdown menu.
Indicate the vendor receiving payment for this expense in the Paid To field.
Optionally, include any notes.
If this expense should be sent to QuickBooks through your DMO QuickBooks integration, check the Send to QuickBooks box.
Lastly, if this expense also applies to trade-ins, click the Applies to new Trade-Ins box.
Now click Save in the bottom-right. The default expense will appear in the expense list.
To delete a custom cost, scroll over the cost and click the trash can icon.
Once your default expense list is complete, click the back arrow in the top-left.
This default expense will automatically be added to new inventory. If you have already stocked vehicles that need this expense, you’ll have to add this expense manually to those vehicles.
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