Opening TeamViewer/Remote Support
To open the Remote Support tool, first open a browser and navigate to, then click the green Remote Support button in the top right of the window.

A file will begin to download named "AMSupport.exe."

Next, click AMSupport.exe when the download is complete.

Next, you may be prompted "to allow this app to make changes to your PC." Click Yes. If this does not appear, move onto the next step.

A TeamViewer/Remote Support window will open with "Your ID" and "Password." Communicate the ID to your Technical Support representative.

Closing TeamViewer/Remote Support (if already open)
First, right-click any blank space on the task bar, and click Task Manager. The Task Manager window will display.
If you’ve never opened the Task Manager before, you may need to click More details in the bottom left of the Task Manager window.
From the Details tab find any processes beginning with TeamViewer in the Name column, click on one at a time, then click End Task. Repeat until all TeamViewer processes are closed.
Next head over to and click Remote Support. Repeat the steps for Opening Remote Support/Teamviewer.
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