Before reindexing your DeskManager you ALWAYS want to make sure you are the only person who is using DeskManager. You can verify this by clicking on Help and then clicking on Show Logged In Users.

This will bring up the Active Users window. From here you will be able to see how many users are logged in and who those users are. If you want to kick someone out of DeskManager click on the Shut Down all users button. After clicking on that button DeskManager will verify that you wanted to click it by making you type the word “YES”. After you are the only user running DeskManager close the Active Users window.
Now all you have you do to reindex is click on File, then hover over Maintenance, then click on Reindex. Don’t be alarmed, this will immediately close DeskManager. The program should open itself back up after a few moments, but if it doesn’t just reopen it.

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