Entering a Lease in DeskManager requires entering information in various parts of the Lease Contract, once the Lease Contract has been created.
- In lease tab, click on New to Start a New Lease. If you are asked to choose a template select one or click “Blank Lease”.
- DeskManager’s lease contract will display.
- There is a toolbar on top which allows you Save or Cancel the new lease contract.
- Depending on variety of conditions you might see different buttons in the toolbar.
- For example, when you are creating a new lease or editing an existing lease, you will see Save and Cancel buttons.
- But if you are viewing an existing lease, instead of Save and Cancel, you just will see an Edit button.
- There is a Message frame (The frame containing the yellow area) on the bottom of the form which will show any Errors, Warnings, or reminders for current contract.
- Any time if there is an important message that DeskManager needs to tell you it can do it in three ways:
- Simple message boxes: whenever there is really short and easy to understand message.
- Log boxes: whenever there is a more complicated situation or there are multiple steps that need consideration.
- This kind of messages are given when we need to stop you from doing an action or when a task is done and we want to inform you of the steps or results.
- This kind of messages are given when we need to stop you from doing an action or when a task is done and we want to inform you of the steps or results.
- Contract Message Frame: whenever there is an error in entered data, missing required fields, reminders to fill out some optional fields, etc. we use this section.
- This comes really handy because DeskManager doesn’t interrupt data entry, and also will help you to spot the fields which cause problems since we highlight the problem causing fields.
- The Errors are highlighted with Red background, Warnings with a Yellow background, and Reminders with Green background.
- Clicking on each field will show the corresponding message in “message frame”.
- For example, by entering $2000 as selling price an error happens.
- The following picture shows that there is a problem in total amount due and suggests you to change the value of those fields highlighted with red color.
- Also you can navigate between messages by “<<” (First), “<” (Previous), “>” (Next), ”>>” “Last” buttons.
- *Note - If there is an error spotted in contract you cannot save it until you fix the error.
- You can minimize the message frame by clicking on “Min” button on it
- Now the “Min” button is turned to “Max” and clicking on that will bring the frame to its original size.
- The Help Frame (behind the message frame in green text) can be revealed revealed by minimizing the message frame.
- You can always see this area as long as there is no message to be shown (which makes message frame to disappear) or if you have minimized message frame.
- Help frame shows you helpful tips and a brief description of currently selected field.
- Also if you hover your mouse pointer on most of the read-only fields (Grey Boxes with black border) you can see their description too.
- The following picture shows that there is a problem in total amount due and suggests you to change the value of those fields highlighted with red color.
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