Vehicle Description Templates are a combination of settings that control the Vehicle Description Audio and the Background Music that plays during the Description section of your vehicle videos.
First, click the Settings cogwheel located at the bottom of the leftmost sidebar. Under the Website category, select Auto Video Options.
From the Auto Video Options page, navigate to the Description tab.
When using the system for the first time, a default Template named "Template 1" will be automatically created.
To create a new template, click Copy and enter a name for the new template.
Enter a name into the blank to personalize the template.
To switch templates, select a different template from the dropdown.
To remove a template, select a template and click Delete (you cannot delete your current default template).
To make a template default, select a template and click Make Default.
Select Female 1 or Female 2 to switch between the Audio Voice options currently available.
To Preview Audio generated for a vehicle using the current template settings, select a vehicle.
Next, click Generate Preview. The preview will begin playing automatically once it is generated.
To choose the music that will be played click Select Music.
You can then select a Genre, which will list some matching tracks.
Click a track title to select it and begin playing a preview of the track.
If you are satisfied with your selection, click Save.
Each element can be Enabled or Disabled individually, and you can Rearrange the order of Elements in your description audio by clicking on them and dragging them to a new position.
These elements take information you have already entered for your vehicle to create text to be spoken in your description audio.
Some elements have additional Settings that affect the text that is generated, or display text about the element as an overlay in the video at the same time that it is spoken.
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