We are happy to provide export options for our dealers using other “Temp-Tag” providers. We have provided step-by-step instructions that meet the format requirements of CVR, DealerTrack, and DMVDesk. Each option is outlined below.
The Report Builder can be accessed in DeskManager by clicking on Reports and double-clicking on Report Builder.

Now click Options, then click Import Report to bring up the individual report templates. Choose cvr-salesreport.xml from the list then click Import. Click OK to confirm the details of the report.

Next we'll want to choose the location on your computer for this report to export. Double click your new CVR Export report, then click Options, then Export.

Click the '...' button to the right of Path: and choose the folder you would like the report exported into. AVRS/CVR may have a specific location they would like the report exported to. When you're ready click Export. The system will ask if you would like to view the file, which you do not need to do.

Once the export path is set you can export individual deals. From within a deal click Options, then click Export with Reporter. Choose the CVRExport report from the list, then click Export. This will export the necessary information into a .GEN file for use with ACRS/CVR.

Please contact AVRS/CVR for assistance in how you can submit these files to them.
To DealerTrack
Open up the vehicle you would like to submit to DealerTrack. From there click the DealerTrack button at the bottom of the Vehicle window. The system will then allow you to choose the folder for the export. DealerTrack may have a specific location they would like the report exported to.

Please contact DealerTrack for assistance in how you can submit these files to them.
To DMVDesk
The first step in this process is to import the DMVDesk report structure in the Report Builder.
The Report Builder can be accessed in DeskManager by clicking on Reports and double-clicking on Report Builder.
Now click Options, then click Import Report to bring up the individual report templates. Choose dmvdesk-salesreport.xml from the list then click Import. Click OK to confirm the details of the report.
Next we'll want to choose the location on your computer for this report to export. Double click your new DMVDesk Export report, then click Options, then Export.
Click the '...' button to the right of Path: and choose the folder you would like the report exported into. DMVDesk may have a specific location they would like the report exported to. Be sure to check the checkbox under Options to Include Column Headers. When you're ready click Export. The system will ask if you would like to view the file, which you do not need to do.
Once the export path is set you can export individual deals. From within a deal click Options, then click Export with Reporter. Choose the DMVDeskExport report from the list, then click Export. This will export the necessary information into a .CSV file for use with DMVDesk.
Please contact DMVDesk for assistance in how you can submit these files to them.
To Fairfax & Any Other System
Click on the following link to learn how to setup Fairfax Imaging Integration: Fairfax Imaging Setup – Generate DMS Key and DMS User
For any other provider, once we hear back from them regarding their preferred method of receiving transaction data, we will update this page to let you know.
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